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Mektoub, a philosophical saying that is often heard echoing from the mouths of mothers in the middle east, meaning “It is written” is the reminder that all that occurs in our personal paths, whether adversity or favor, is moving through and by nature's guidance. Mektoub echoes the surrender and peace of mind found at Tangier's harbor. Part of our permanent Ihsan collection, the Mektoub features a square frame and is available in black acetate and three lens colors.
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Worldwide free shipping and returns with custom duties included.
Europe & United Kingdom: 2-4 business days
North America: 2-4 business days
Rest of the World: 2-7 business days
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Mektoub, a philosophical saying that is often heard echoing from the mouths of mothers in the middle east, meaning “It is written” is the reminder that all that occurs in our personal paths, whether adversity or favor, is moving through and by nature's guidance.
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Shipping & Returns
Mektoub, a philosophical saying that is often heard echoing from the mouths of mothers in the middle east, meaning “It is written” is the reminder that all that occurs in our personal paths, whether adversity or favor, is moving through and by nature's guidance. Mektoub echoes the surrender and peace of mind found at Tangier's harbor. Part of our permanent Ihsan collection, the Mektoub features a square frame and is available in black acetate and three lens colors.
Worldwide free shipping and returns with custom duties included.
Europe & United Kingdom: 2-4 business days
North America: 2-4 business days
Rest of the World: 2-7 business days
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